Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Speed Bumps and Road Maps

The course of a fitness journey never did run smooth”

When you are planning to loose those last 10lbs at 2 lbs a week you assume this will take you 5 weeks and you will be done. But- did you factor in the girls weekend in New York? Or your birthday dinner? Did you plan in emotional eating or forgetting to pack a lunch when you are working an eight hour shift? Life happens!

No matter how great your diet and exercise plan look on paper- it is putting in the work that is going to get you the results. Life is full of setbacks big and small and those setbacks can add up making your time to achieve your goal longer than you expected.

When these unplanned events happen there is one way you can move forward- being prepared for them when they do. When the plan is made and the goal is set before you begin write down obstacles that could happen and your plan to overcome them. This will be your cheat sheet! Carry this with you in your food journal or day planner this way you will not think quick in the moment and sabotage your plan. Another good idea would be to give yourself an extra two weeks in your plan in case a setback does occur- this way you will not be frustrated and give up when you don't meet the time requirement set out.



Keep a few snacks at work or in your purse for emergencies! Some options: almonds, protein powder, low sugar protein bars- this way if you do forget a lunch you will be able to fuel your body.


When something occurs that is out of our control we often reach for food to make us feel better. The real question is- How long will that food satisfy the void? The truth is food cannot fulfill you emotionally it is made to fuel your body for daily functions and if you treat it in this way you will be less likely to use it for therapy. You may not have control over the ups and down's of your life but you do have control over your diet! Instead of feeling guilty after eating something you shouldn't have you will feel accomplished for overcoming your craving and this will make you feel more positive :)

*Make yourself a note in your planner or food diary about what food does for your body. Make a list of things you can do instead of eating to relax your emotions or write the number of a friend or loved one you can talk to when your feeling down.


Just because your friends are eating whatever they please does not mean you should indulge too! You are given the upper hand on this situation since it is a planned event. Find out what restaurants you plan to eat at and call or check out their website to decide on your meal options before you go. This will take the stress of trying to find a healthy option away because you will already be prepared! Pack some healthy snacks in case your friend's decide to grab something quick and you are without an option at the pit stop they choose.

Be prepared for obstacles and setback because life is full of them! It will make you stronger mentally when you are able to move through the barriers. You will appreciate and recognize the achievement of your goal to a higher extent when you have done the best you possibly can to achieve it!

Your Friend In Food and Fitness,

Sarah Rennick

Friday, July 15, 2011

Goals and Obstacles

After winning my first show I felt invincible as though nothing could stand in the way of me and my goals. I was driven- more motivated than I had ever been. I worked hard in the gym and scheduled my life around my diet. When I didn't place I was devastated. Not only because I worked so hard, but I had put my whole heart into achieving a spot at Nationals.

This past month it has been hard to let go of the empty feeling I was left with. My motivation has not been at it's peak and I still think of that day. But some days when I am running, when I wake up, when I am lifting weights I feel it again- that spark of motivation- that drive.

The truth is you can sit around and wonder why your goals didn't happen the first time you attempted them. Or you can realize how much more you will appreciate them when you truly have to work to make them come true. “Nothing worth having in life is given to you”. “Fall down 7 times get up 8” Obstacles are part of life and every time you overcome one you get stronger mentally and are able to push harder.

I have a list of goals I hope to achieve in the next 2 years. Near the top my goal of becoming an IFBB pro still remains un-touched. Failing is part of life but being strong enough to keep going makes the difference between achieving a goal and letting it go. The course of a goal never runs as you expect it to- life often has a different path but normally that path is better than the one you hoped to take. I have decided to prepare for my next round of shows this November- I can't promise you I will win but I can promise that I will work with the same drive and motivation I had before.

This past month I have received amazing support from my boyfriend and coach Tyler. He has helped me come to terms with my loss and prepare a new game plan. He had been a huge motivation through my competition journey never letting me give up on my goal.

Today I am around 4 months out from my next endeavor and I was surprised by a competitor profile on For years I have been motivated by the stories of amateurs and the articles by pro's on this website never thinking they would pick the profile I had submitted after my first show. I believe this as a sign not to give up on my dream and to expect the unexpected :)

Your Friend In Food and Fitness
Sarah Rennick

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Summer Treats Without Summer Cheats

Summer is full of temptation from the cold ice cream cones to the hot barbecues at night. Socializing this time of year is centred around delicious comfort foods that have attatched themselves to the season. Here is how you can indulge without making a splash:

Avoid the pre-packaged meats and get creative.Pick up a package of lean ground turkey or chicken instead. Here is an easy recipe that is sure to fill the spot for barbecue lovers:

1lb extra lean ground turkey
2 chopped green onions
1 chopped green pepper
3 tbsp salsa
2 egg whites
Seasoning of choice (I like Mrs. Dash chicken or chipotle southwest)
(optional- 1 tbsp hot sauce)

Combine all ingredients- Makes 4 burgers
Barbecue until done

Enjoy these on whole wheat buns or wrap in lettuce leaves. Add your favourite hamburger toppings.


Why not try a home made smoothie instead. Add your favourite flavours and enjoy treat that tastes like a cheat!

Chocolate banana mocha

1 scoop chocolate protein powder
1/3 cup chocolate unsweetned almond milk
1/4 cup coffee
1 banana
1 tbsp peanut butter
1/3 cup ice


Save the sugar loaded treats for someone else! Enjoy the same great taste without the calories or sugar. Why not buy your own popsicle trays and fill them with your favourite flavor of crystal light! Place in the freezer for 3-4 hours until frozen.

**Tip: Enjoy the fruits of the season! Strawberries, watermelon and blueberries are some of the great natural foods fresh and available this July.Many vegetables are also in season and are great on the barbecue! Get creative this summer and make your meal plan fun!


Monday, July 4, 2011

Accountability and YOU

One reason people come to me as a trainer is for accountability. It is important to have someone who knows your goal, your plan to achieve it and your time constraint. Sometimes this may be a friend who knows you well, a family member who sees you constantly or a trainer giving you this program and ensuring you follow it. Whoever this accountability partner may be they are usually a big part in making sure you reach your goal.

This person will not be able to help you stay on track if you are not 100% honest with them. If you don't verbally tell them of a mistake or they do not catch you in the act there is no way they will ever know. This is where YOU become your best friend or your worst enemy! By deceiving your accountability partner you are self sabotaging.

We have all been there standing in front of the cookie jar thinking “no one will ever find out- one can't hurt” In having to justify your reason for having that cookie and your fear of anyone knowing it is evident that you should not be eating it at all. Maybe your accountability partner will never find out you ate that cookie this way they will never give you that lecture for straying from your plan. But something much worse will happen. Guilt. Guilt and your secret cookie encounter could lead to the worst of all diet blunders... THE EMOTIONAL BINGE CYCLE

Here's how it works:

You give into temptation and stray from your plan

You then feel guilty for giving in

Guilt taps into your emotions and more cravings kick in

As you fill these cravings you gain more guilt


Have you fallen victim to these symptoms?
Looks like you have a case of the emotional binge cycle. Follow these simple steps to rehabilitate your diet.

  1. Begin a food journal. Look at each meal as an opportunity to get back on track!

  2. Fill yourself with water! This will ensure you are not confusing hunger or cravings with thirst. If you are full you are less likely to want to overeat.

  3. Make sure you are eating enough! So many times I have seen women give into cravings and decide they can fix their mistake by avoiding all food for the rest of the day. WRONG. The best decision you could make is to follow your healthy eating plan from where you left off. When you are hungry you are more susceptible to give into your cravings.

  4. Plan! Write down what you will eat for the next week- write what time you will eat it at and what you will eat.

  5. Prepare! Make the food you need for your plan accessible! Pack containers with everything you will need for the upcoming day in your fridge. This way when it is time to eat you will not need to bother with cooking or measuring. Simply grab the container and voila!

  6. If you haven't already TELL your accountability partner. They have been given this role by you to help you! This person isn't just there to call you out on mistakes but to keep you motivated towards your goals. Don't fear them but embrace the fact that they care enough about your desires to be honest with you.

  7. Plan cheat days into your food agenda (if this fits your plan). Sometimes your body wants that reminder that you are not depriving it forever. You should never feel like you are on a "diet" follow a healthy clean lifestyle instead.

  8. Sleep! Make sure you are sleeping at at least 6-8 hours each night. When you are diet your emotions are more likely to surface making cravings harder to fight.

Hopefully this will help break your cycle and cure you of the cycle. Embrace your accountability partner and all they have to offer. Most importantly be accountable to your goals.

* Sarah Rennick