Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Making Your Resolutions Come True- Part 2

The holiday excitement is over. Your social schedule has slowed down and you are ready to commit to a fitness goal.

I find resolutions to be very vague- “I am going to loose weight this year” “I am going to start going to the gym”, “I am going to build more muscle this year” or “I will not eat ______ this year”.

What happens when you slip up? What happens when you have to go away for a week and don’t have access to a gym? What happens when your goal is taking so long to achieve that you loose your motivation? YOU FAIL. By setting a goal so big it is nearly unattainable you are setting yourself up for failure.

Start a goal journal! When beginning your goal journal I suggest you make three lists: 6 month goals, 1 year goals and 2 year goals. There may be big things you want to achieve that will take longer than this year- the 2 year column is where you would write these goals. I don’t like the word resolution I like the words small goals. You shouldn’t have one big resolution you should have 10-20 small realistic goals per column. Studies have proven that when a goal is written down you are more likely to achieve it.

Don’t make your goals vague and overwhelming “I’m going to loose weight” instead write something like “I’m going to loose 10lbs by March 1st” This not only gives you a deadline but it is very possible that you could achieve or surpass this goal. If this was your goal you should have small goals surrounding it as to how you will achieve it. “I will do 30 minutes of cardio every week day”, “I will do 30 minutes of weights every other day”, and “I will eat clean 90% of the time”.

Here are some examples that I have in my journal:

month goals:
Compete in the Cobourg Naturals- April 2012
Follow my contest diet 100%

1 year goals:
Qualify to compete at OPA provincials
Stay withine 7lbs of my contest weight post-show

2 year goals:
Complete second level of Holistic Coaching
Have a published fitness article

As you can see I didn’t overwhelm myself with big unrealistic goals. I set small goals and left my larger goals for 2013.

Share your goals! Show close friends and family your lists; sharing your goals holds you accountable to achieving them. Plan! Make detailed plans as to how you are going to achieve your goals. This is how you can fill the pages of your journal. Every Sunday write in detail what you are going to do the following week to get yourself closer to your goals.

Stay tuned for my video on goal setting :)

Sarah Rennick

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