Thursday, November 17, 2011


Everyone knows the importance of it but how many of us get it in every night. Does the deadline at work, the late night dinner or the busy day get in the way of your beauty sleep?

I’ll be the first to admit that this is one area I still struggle with. For months I had saved my workout for 9pm, ate, cooked and then watched a movieto fall asleep. Little did I know all of these things I thought were healthy behaviours were disrupting my natural circadian rhythm. This is your internal “body clock” our bodies are hardwired to begin a cycle of repair at 10:30pm. This is based on sundown and sunset. Our ancestors did not have lights, computers, or televisions. This means that when it became dusk they began to wind down and get ready to sleep, when it was dawn they arose ready to start the day. By using lights we are tricking out bodies into thinking that it is still daytime and that we need to be awake.

“Repair cycles” start at 10:30 and end at 6am. Your body first begins its physical repair, and then moves along to psychological repair. It has been proven that sleeping during these times helps workout recovery time and improves memory.

I had previously been going to bed at 12:00am every night without knowing I was missing out on an hour and a half of physical repair that my body so desperately needs!

How to help your body adjust:

In the hour before you go to sleep you should use dim lights and do something that relaxes you. Read a book, have a bath, or practice meditation. Do not go turn on the television or surf the web. These bright lights will have your body assuming it is still day time and that your body and mind should be fully awake.

Changing habits
If you currently go to bed at 12 (like I had) slowly begin to make the time you get to sleep earlier. Start the first week at 11:45 etc. move in 15 minute increments until you are asleep at 10:30.

Power nap
If you are enjoying lengthy naps throughout the day you are going to disrupt your sleep cycle. Enjoy 10-20 minute “power naps” These will allow you to energize your body without entering a deep REM cycle.

Relive stress
Practice deep breathing, meditation, yoga, journaling thoughts or any other activity that will allow you to let go of the heavy stress that weighs you down. This will help your mind relax and allow you to fall asleep easier.

Workouts are stimulating and may cause surges in hormones that cause us to be more alert. Have you ever heard the saying “You will have more energy after you exercise?”

This is still an area I am at work on. On busy days I might not have a choice but to workout at 9pm. Stress may get the best of me and keep my mind racing. I may have meal plans or workouts to write that I didn’t have time to do during a hectic day. Yes, all of these things still get in my way as life continues to be busy but by using these tips I have been able to greatly improve my length of sleep, I feel more rested in the morning and find that my memory has improved.

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