Thursday, August 11, 2011


Common Excuses:

I can't eat healthy today I'm too busy

I don't have time to workout

I can't workout today I'm too tired

I forgot my lunch so I have to grab something quick (fast food)

I don't have time to cook

I had no choice I didn't want to be rude

There was nothing healthy at the restaurant

I can't afford a gym membership

The dictionary definition of an excuse is: To explain a fault or an offense in the hope of being forgiven or understood. Let's take a step back- Who needs the explanation of your fault? Why make the excuse in the first place if you already understand and forgive yourself for making that excuse. The truth is typically the excuse didn't ever need to occur and subconsciously you know this! That is why you feel the need to explain or justify your choice with an excuse in the first place.


I guarantee you have fallen victim to at least ONE of these excuses at some point in your life. I would be lying to say I haven't struggled with a few of them in the past. Truth is being honest with yourself and your goals is the only way you will overcome excuses.

There are 10 080 minutes in one week- It takes 60 of those minutes to cook food so that it is readily available to you for the week. I suggest spending those 60 minutes on Sunday preparing all the food you will need- portion and freeze it.

There are 24 hours in a day- Exercise only takes up 1 of those 24 hours! Is time still your excuse?

Use your resources- No one ever said a gym was necessary to get fit! Walk or run outside. Buy a pair of dumbbells and research exercises you can do at home check out for an exercise database.

Restaurants cater to allergies why can't they cater to clean eating. It is not often that there isn't something on the menu that can be modified to become healthy. Ask for food cooked in olive oil, salad dressing on the side, and vegetables steamed.

Family and friends should understand your choice to become a healthier happier you! If necessary bring a dish that you can eat and everyone can enjoy!

I'm too tired- This is the worst of all excuses. After your workout you will have more energy then you did before- Get moving!!

Make this your week to be true to your goals and yourself. An excuse will not get you fit, motivate you or help your progress. Make this your week to be EXCUSE PROOF replacing I can't with I will- Attitude is the key to success let yours be positive and optimistic.



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