Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Deciding to compete also means deciding to accept the same food's meal after meal. Yes I go through phases (a phase being fish for nearly every meal one week and chicken the next) but the food's I eat remain consistent.

Consistency is not only important for a fitness competitor but also for anyone aiming to reach a weight loss goal. You need to be eating clean every meal every day. I can't stress this enough- when you mess up don't skip your next meal! So many people think that a mistake can be fixed by eating less- it is the opposite. If you eat off your plan for one meal continue as usual for the next meal DO NOT get the mind set that when you mess up it is best to eat nothing for the rest of the day. This in fact is worse for your diet as your body will think it's starving and your metabolism will in turn slow down.

Another common mistake is when someone messes up and decides "whatever" taking the next few days as a "free ride"- Aim to make your mistake better by having a great next meal- don't ever skip a meal just because one meal was bad. Everyone makes mistakes but it how you overcome them that will determine whether you win or loose your day :)

Normally I encourage clients to plan cheat days into their meal schedules to ensure that feeling of deprivation never kicks in. The moment you let yourself feel like you are on a strict diet the second you will be opt to eat everything in sight!

Everyone has weak moments but every time you overcome one you become that much stronger and should feel a sense of success! I have days where I too want to give up and fall victim to a treat but I remind myself how bad I want this and that giving in is giving up. The treats aren't suddenly going to disappear (although it may feel that way sometimes!) When you put it into your plan to have and enjoy one it will not only be without guilt but taste that much better satisfying you that much more!

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