All type of jobs, classes and walks of life. I think that is one of the reasons I love it so much- there is no criteria, no rules, it is never to early or to late to join in. Fitness is like an open court where everyone is welcome to join the team. Here is how I came to be part of the team:
So many time women say to me "I don't want to look bulky" and shy away from doing weights. Believe it or not I too was one of these women at one time.
I had a gym membership but insisted on spending hours on the elliptical instead of stepping foot in the weight area. I would come to the gym with a certain goal "I will burn 600 calories on the elliptical today". I would schedule my eating around those numbers so that at the end of the day I wouldn't be consuming too much more than I had burnt off. I would often times be in there more than once per day. At this point I was oblivious to how loosing fat actually worked and was consuming things that made no sense but merely fit into my "caloric scheme". I would eat things that were low in calories only because of there numbers disregarding their nutritional value.
My mom had always been into weightlifting and had even done a few competitions when she was in her 20's. She did not agree with my choices in the gym and I would often try to hide what I was doing.
I knew I wasn't eating enough to be healthy but I couldn't let go of what I was doing. She would constantly tell me I was getting to thin but that only fueled me to continue. I was hurting my body and I needed to stop.
I would read her copies of Oxygen Magazine sometimes and see how great the models in them looked. My mother in her 40's had a similar physique that I began to want more and more. Eventually I took her advice and asked for help. She began teaching me how to lift weights, showing me that I would only look better, more defined and best of all HEALTHY if I started this lifestyle instead of this dangerous regimen I had developed for myself.
I became more and more obsessed with this lifestyle and my old lifestyle quickly took the backseat. I started lifting weights 3 days a week challenging myself each time to lift heavier and do more sets. It wasn't long before I was telling HER what I was doing in the gym and showing HER new exercises. I could not stop researching new workouts. She taught me about nutrtion and I learned about Toca Reno's "Eat Clean Diet" which contained a healthy natural approach to leading a healthy lifestyle. We bought the recipe book and began trying new things. My diet finally made sense and I felt FANTASTIC. As summer rolled around I was the most content with my body that I had ever been.
I began sharing my knowledge of fitness with others so they too could become healthy and fit. In my first year of university I became more interested in researching nutrition and fitness then I did studying my program. I soon decided that fitness was not just my way of staying healthy but it was also my passion.
In the summer that I was home after university (first year) I met Tyler. Tyler has influenced and inspired me almost as much as my mother did. He was working as a personal trainer at the gym where I worked out. I had been talking none stop to friends and family of how I wanted to try a fitness competition. I was told that he had competed in bodybuilding and was not shy to ask him if he could help me prepare to compete too. He convinced me I had what it took and began writing me a diet. In the time that we spent together working on my show preparation he also convinced me to become a trainer! I had been so unhappy at school not doing what I loved and wanted nothing more then to work in the fitness industry- here was my chance!
We started dating along the way :) but he never stopped being my coach- together he helped me win my first show, and I now continue as a trainer preparing for my second show with Tyler right there again. I am so lucky to have met someone who could impact and change my life in such a positive way.
Never underestimate the power of the people that are put into your life most times they are there for a reason :)

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