Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Workout series
Week 1- Full body workouts
Circuit Workout
Step ups - x 15 each leg
One arm back row- x 12 each side
Push ups- x 12
Squat w/ shoulder press @ top- x 12
Tricep dips on bench- x 12
Plank- .45 seconds
Rest 1 minute
Repeat for a total of three rounds!!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Eating to lose- yes I am still on this topic. I am in love with fitness and all of the benefits that it has to offer but I can honestly tell you that if you don't have a perfect diet you are not going to reach your full potential. You should be eating every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism revved! This is going to help stabilize your blood sugar and in turn reduce cravings.
If you are like most people you aren't going to want to be eating chicken and fish for every meal! You can still have snack type foods but you want to make sure you are getting in 15-20 grams of protein. I have paired these proteins with carbohydrates to make perfect snack ideas! (portions will vary depending on weight)
Don't be afraid to snack between meals with VEGGIES! Get in as many leafy greens as you can and reap the nutrient rewards!! I like to snack on sugar snap peas and homemade kale chips for an extra crunch.
Snack ideas:
Protein packed Greek yogurt w/ 1/3 cup dry oats + berries
2 Hard boiled eggs, sugar snap peas w/ ¼ cup hummus
½ cup cottage cheese, 1/3 cup blueberries
(Post-Workout) Protein shake, medium banana or apple
½ cup egg white veggie omelet, 2 rice cakes w/ natural almond butter
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Let's be honest ladies this is a trait we often times fall short of. Maybe someone teased you about something when you were a kid, maybe you have never had your ideal body, maybe you think your butt is to big or your ears are to small. Whatever it may be- DROP IT.
You are never going to achieve the results that you want if you keep bringing yourself down. The number one thing you need in order to stick to a nutrition or fitness plan is SELF BELIEF- If you don't have it you might as well give up now. You need to mentally know that you can do it.
My last show was in June, I went in feeling confident and ready to win. When things didn't go as planned I lost what felt like all of my confidence.
I planned for another show in August and couldn't seem to stick to my plan to get the results I needed. I eventually gave up. I stopped training, I stopped following my meal plan and I hit a slump.
Months went by and I couldn't seem to stick to my plan until one day I started to believe in myself. I retrained my mind to think positive, I began working out not because I wanted to win a show but because I LOVED it and it made me feel my best. I stopped obsessing over how big my thighs were or how much weight I had gained and started to believe that I could do what I needed to in order to change.
Eventually I wanted to follow my nutrition plan and I wanted to compete because I gained the confidence that I could do it and become my personal best. Daily I tell myself that I can do whatever I set my mind to! I am not going to let the results of one show define who I am but aim to be better. I truly believe you need to learn how to make your own positive situations in order to appreciate how much you are capable of!
Here are my tips for gaining confident so that you can reach your fitness goals too:
NEVER say I can't- How unfair is that to YOU! You never know that you can't do something unless you try. Don't give up on something before you have attempted it.
Every time you look at yourself in the mirror and see something you don't like immediately replace it with a feature you do like. Give yourself some love!
Think positive- the minute you start thinking a negative thought replace it with a positive thought. I challenge you to do this for an entire week. Watch how much your attitude changes.
Visualize your goals. How are you supposed to expect yourself to work towards a goal you haven't envisioned yet? The more you think of a goal the more important it becomes.
Have confidence in your program. If you don't believe your program is going to work you will not work hard enough for it to work. Plan what you are going to do and give it 100%.
Don't self sabotage. Give yourself a break sometimes- so you slip up and have a couple of cookies.. Stop tearing yourself down for it! Tell yourself that you are strong enough to get back on track tomorrow and make it a PERFECT day on your plan. Prove to yourself that one slip up will not stand in your way. Don't feel depressed or down about it you are only human.
Don't be afraid to say your goals out loud. This one is HUGE! If you are afraid to do this you most likely don't think they are going to come true. By telling others what you are going to accomplish you have set yourself up for success. Repeat it to yourself out loud every time you wake up. If you don't think about it daily you will loose confidence in your ability to achieve it.
Know that your body is physically capable of doing nearly anything. Just because you haven't ran a 10k before or lifted a weight doesn't mean you can't. Our bodies are amazing and intricate. Have confidence that you can train your body to accomplish whatever you desire.