“Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going”
Finding motivation is the easy part, keeping it is where things get hard. It is easy to plan to do what needs to be done to reach your goal but having to do it day in and day out can get tedious. Don't give up!!
Experts say it takes 3 weeks to form a habit- in my opinion that is three perfect weeks! No slip up on weekends and all planned workouts complete! Don't give up on your plan after a week, everybody is different! Some people may see results in the first few days for others (like myself) it may take upwards of two weeks to see a change. The key is consistency.
Here are my types for keeping your motivation:
Always be prepared- Cook your meals ahead of time and store in the fridge or freezer.
Mind over matter- If you have resisted temptation before you will most likely be able to do it again with ease.
Carry a cooler with you everywhere you go, keep snacks in your purse if you go to meetings often or may not have access to your cooler all day.
Go on a realistic meal plan- Stop looking for the next “quick fix” diet! I guarantee your motivation will not last long when you are starving yourself. Eat a mix of complex carbohydrates, veggies proteins and fats every 2-3 hours to keep your blood sugar stabilized.
Give yourself 1-2 rest days (If you are a beginner 2-3) Your body needs time to repair so that it can perform at it''s best! Bringing me to my next point.
Sleep! 6-8 hours per night! If you are not getting enough sleep you will not make good choices or make the most out of your time in the gym.
Have a plan. If you don't have a written plan as to what you are going to do everyday to achieve your goal it is going to be difficult to figure out why it isn't working. Give yourself something that you can alter to get your best results.
Share- tell your friends, family and co-workers your goals! It is always motivating when you are asked how your progress is going and you can respond with all the exciting changes you have made! You might even motivate that person!
Pick a milestone. Have a reward (non-food related) for when you reach your goal. For me it is competing for others it could be a race, a vacation, an after picture- anything that would make you appreciate how hard you have worked!
Make a mantra- This is something that you repeat to yourself daily or when you are needing that extra motivation. Seems silly but when your motivation falters this can really help “I can do this, I am strong”, “I have worked to hard to turn back now” any phrase or quote that reminds you of why you are pushing so hard.
Confidence. This is one I have learned the hard way, if you don't believe you can achieve your goals you never will. Be true to yourself and know you can do anything you set your mind to.
Motivational pictures, sayings, quotes- I have a whole bulletin board in my room dedicated to this! Every time I look at it I am motivate again.
Most of all remember- “Success is not in how many times you fall, but in how many times you fall and GET BACK UP!”
Stay tuned for my next blog on CONFIDENCE,
Sarah Rennick